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Tracktor Bowling - THE BEST, 23-02-2008, Rocco::ФотоСтуденческий форумLuk - Sex,  24-02-2008, Rocco::Фото

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Лучший альбом 2010 года -- это:

ARCADE FIRE "The Suburbs"1043%

BAND OF HORSES "Infinite Arms"14%


JANELLE MONAE "ArchAndroid"28%

KANYE WEST "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy"417%


LAURA MARLING "I Speak Because I Can"14%

MARINA & THE DIAMONDS "The Family Jewels"28%

PLAN B "Defamation Of Strickland Banks"14%

RUMER "Seasons Of My Soul"00%

Всего:24 100%


Музыкальня поэзия  |  “Dead In The Water” -- DAVID GRAY

“Dead In The Water” -- DAVID GRAY

Первый сингл из альбома "A New Day At Midnight", который открывает сторону творчества Дэвида Грэя, проникнутую некоторым мистицизмом... Это самый мрачный и самый запоминающийся текст из альбома.

"Dead In The Water"

People stand in line
People stand in line
People stand in line
A permonition of
The killer's angel eyes
An armageddon sky
Tell it like it is
It's like the old man says
We're dead in the water now
Dead in the water

They come from miles around
They come from miles around
They come from miles around
In avarice and love
To suckle on the blood
Of some forgotten God
Sell it like it is
It's like the old man says
We're dead in the water now
We're dead in the water now
Dead in the water

A simple act of faith
A simple act of faith
A simple act of faith
A celebration of
The colour and the creed
The cancer and its seed
Crackles on the mic
Can call it what you like
We're dead in the water now
We're dead in the water now
Dead in the water


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